Monday, March 10, 2008

The Twitter Effect

If you aren't dialed into Social Media platforms you will have no idea what Twitter is... and that is a shame. I first discovered Twitter about 1 year ago in 2007. I logged and and set up a profile and started participating. When I first saw Twitter and its purpose I must admit, I chuckled sarcastically and said to my husband "look at this new social networking site honey, it is literally about what someone is doing... that is it. People just sit around and type in what they are doing? How lame..." My husband kindly handed me my daily Starbucks and I posted my first Twitter.

I am now hooked. It is something I consider a 'must do' during my day. No matter what, I must Twitter!

What is TWITTER? Literally, it is a social networking site where you simply type in whatever it is you are doing, thinking, wanting, reading, writing... etc. You have 140 characters to update your followers. What are followers? They are people that find you interesting enough to read your 'Twits' short for 'your updates.' One can also follow others that they find interesting. So for example: I am really interested in social media, so I try to follow people that are really on the cutting edge and who blog about social media, new platforms, etc.

I have used the application more and more as time has passed. Some amazing things have happened. I call it the 'Twitter Effect.'

First, Twitter connects people, quite simple, right? Well, it actually connects people that would never have crossed paths before. It drives people to be active and share information. It encourages community and an open-mindedness that I haven't seen on any other applications.

Conversations occur, streams of consciousness are commonplace and often coffee and Twittering go hand in hand. With a Twitter widget your friends and contacts on Facebook and My Space and other social networking sites can follow your updates easily. My friends in New Zealand know when I have a business meeting and where I had lunch, real time.

Why is this important? Because we, in this day and age have a need to by hyper-connected. Simple as that. A cell phone is no longer enough, unless of course, you are Twittering from your phone! We want to know ALL and we want to know NOW. I find it intriguing that I learn so much form 140 character updates from people I don't know. It drives me to further research in my industry and encourages an atmosphere of 'grown-ups passing notes.'

I find Twitter to be intelligent and entertaining. Just jump on when there is a Primary happening. You won't believe what happens. Log in when there is breaking news... you will be one of the first in the 'know.'

The human quality you ask? Aren't people missing the face to face interaction? Well guess what? I have now met 3 people that I was introduced to on Twitter. I have met 2 for coffee and one for lunch and I will tell you, there will be more of that for sure! It has been wildly successful for connecting with like-minded individuals who have the same Web 2.0 passion as I. And I must admit, it is very, very difficult to turn off before I go to sleep. But I make sure that I say goodnight to my fellow Tweets.

Here are some rules of the Twits:

  • Create an account, of course
  • Start surfing
  • Type in some words in the search bar to pick up and scan people with common interests
  • Click beneath their picture and "follow" them
  • When you Tweet make sure you have fun with it and be yourself
  • If you are addressing one of your 'followers' in a Tweet make sure to out the @ symbol before their user name. This will allow others to see their profile and search it if they so choose. Such as:
'Hey @ashleykingsley it is so great to hear from you! I hope you have a great day! Let's have lunch this week!"

  • Some Twitter language you will want to know:
  • Twittering: The act of hyper-updating your social networks
  • Tweets: People who Twitter
  • Twoosh: This is when you are able to utilize 140 characters in every Tweet
  • Tweet: Is the actual act of Twittering
  • Twhirl: This is the newest Twitter application that can be downloaded to your desktop and you are alerted of all your Tweets updates in real time
  • Twicks of the Tweet: This I made up and it is when you can show off some cool stuff on Twitter, like graphics, icons, etc.
  • Twine: This is when someone that you are following whines too much and you want to then, un-follow them because whining is boring. (I made this one up to)
  • Twitical: This is a critical Tweeter. (I made this up)
  • Twistherical: This is someone who Tweets and is funny. (I made this up to)
So, now that you are equipped, I do hope you will join me on Twitter and realize the power of this application. This is not just for kicks. This is texting on steroids!

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